Student Services/Family School Liaison Workers (FSLW's)

Who We Are

Student Services Staff:

        Grades 9 & 10

             FSLW grade 9: Ms. Marlies Leeuw

             FSLW grade 10/11: Mrs. Laura Lucas

Success Coach:  Ms. J. Bodnar

Inclusion Coach: Mrs. S. Klein

VP Admin: Mrs. Joline Wood

Grades 11 & 12

FSLW grade 10/11: Mrs. Laura Lucas

FSLW grade 12:  Mrs. Kalea Gougoulas

Success Coach: Ms. Val Brandham

Inclusion Coach: Mrs. S. Klein

VP Admin: Mr. S. Willmott

Student Services can be contacted during regular school hours by calling WCHS at (780) 352-2295.

Check out our staff directory pages for photos!

Services @WCHS

Here are some of the things that we can help with:

Stress, Depression, Self-Esteem, Grief & Loss, Anxiety, Crisis, Course Selection, Graduation Requirements, Post-Secondary Information

If you or someone you care about is dealing with something not listed above, we can still help.  Please contact your Family School Liaison Worker (FSLW).

Office Hours

Monday - Friday (School Days Only)

8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Student Services Overview

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Success Coaches
We are here to make your time at WCHS as productive as possible. In order to do this, we have individual success coaches for grades 9, 10, 11, and 12.

If you have questions about your classes or grades, we can answer them. If you have questions about what you will do when you finish high school, we can point you in the right direction.

What do Family and School Liaison workers do?

  • We work on behalf of students and their families, to support staff  in developing school programs that facilitate the educational process and offer the opportunity for success for each student.
  • We provide services to all students in individual, group, developmental, personal, and crisis counseling.
  • We deliver personal counseling services to individual students and groups
  • We provide crisis intervention and follow-up support/referral in the areas of suicide, abuse, and bereavement.
  • We refer students and their families to community agencies and other professionals

Referrals:  How do you access FSLWs?

  • Self Referral:  students can request an appointment with their grade-level counselor.  Parents or guardians may also contact the counselor to request services for their student.
  • School Staff:  Grade Advisors will encourage students to seek support from the counselors.  As well, other teachers and staff may contact the FSLWs if they have concerns about a student's welfare

Come on down to the Student Services area (near the main office) and make an appointment, or, if you are in a hurry, just drop in.  Parents are also welcome to take advantage of this offer.  We would, however, recommend an appointment for parents to ensure that the counselor is available.

Information that you or your family member disclose or share with the counselor will be treated as confidential and will only be shared with others with your permission.  there are circumstances where the counselor is legally required to share information.  Some examples are:  if you are a harm to yourself or others or if someone is harming you.  Consult your counselor for details on the limitations of confidentiality.

Inclusion Coach
Supports our teachers in developing appropriate supports for students who have been identified as having additional educational needs.  The evaluation of what those supports should look like and communication of the staff support is done through the development of Individual Program Plans (IPP).  These plans are developed in conjunction with the teacher, grade advisor, and the success coaches.  Our LST also facilitates exam accommodations and coordinates educational & psychological assessment.  If you have questions or concerns about an IPP, the inclusion coach is your primary contact.