Academic Expectations

WCHS Principles on Reporting Student Achievement

This document is a policy guide that provides students and parents a comprehensive explanation of assessment practices at Wetaskiwin Composite High School.

WRPS Assessment & Reporting Handbook

Missed Exam Policy

When a student is absent for an exam, they will be required to write the exam the next day they are present during class time.  If the student has a spare, the teacher may arrange to have the student write the exam during that time.  

  • The location of the exam writing will be in a classroom and/or the learning commons.  
  • The student will come to see their teacher and then they will be directed to their writing space.

We understand that there will occasionally be extenuating circumstances for missing an exam.  An alternate writing time may be discussed/approved by the teacher on a case-by-case basis.

* If writing in the classroom, students can use noise canceling headphones provided by the school. *

Extra-Curricular Activities - Student Participation Expectations

Students must display regular attendance in their classes and experience academic success. If a student is not attending regularly or passing their classes, they will not be permitted to participate in any extracurricular activities. Students who are representing the school in any club, team, or group must also be in attendance at school on the day of their participation in club, team or group activities. Students will work with administration and/or team/club/group to develop a plan for success.

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Parent-teacher interviews take place twice each year - once each semester. We encourage all parents/guardians to attend and speak with their children's teachers. Please refer to our web site's calendar for specific dates and times.

Report Cards

WCHS creates report cards at the end of each semester. They are available online through PowerSchool. 
Final Diploma course marks are available directly from Alberta Education and students are encouraged to log in to their myPass accounts.  Students usually receive these marks a few weeks after their final exams.



Student Evaluation/Final Exams

Students will receive course outlines and evaluation procedures from each of their teachers during the first week of instruction in each semester.  Evaluation will be continuous throughout the semester and report cards will be available once per semester.  Parent-Teacher interviews will be held following the first report card of each term.

End of Semester Final Examination Schedules are posted well in advance.  It is not possible to re-schedule a student's final examination except in the case of serious illness confirmed with a medical certificate, or extenuating circumstances cleared with administration.

In the event that a student wishes to appeal a final mark, the following process should be followed:
     *  An appeal should be made directly to the teacher concerned.
     *  If not resolved in above, appeal may be taken to the administrator for that grade who will involve the department head, teacher and student in an effort to settle the matter.
     *  If not resolved in either of the above, the principal, after consultation with all concerned, will make the final decision.

Final Exams
All final exams are compulsory. If a student fails to write a final exam, a grade of 0% will be used for the final exam component of the final grade.  Exceptions due to medical problems, etc., will be decided by administration. 

End of term exams are scheduled over the last few days of a semester.  Students are not required to attend school during this time if they are not writing a scheduled exam.  Those wishing to study quietly are welcome to be in the school.

Final Exam Schedule

WCHS final exam schedules for non-diploma exams will be posted closer to exam time (near the end of each semester).  Please check the main WCHS web site at the end of November for Semester 1 and the end of May for Semester 2 for dates and times of upcoming final exams.

Diploma exam dates are determined by the province and are on our calendar already. These diploma exams take place in January and June of each school year.