

Career and Life Management (CALM 20) 3 credits
CALM 20 is a core course required of all Senior High Students for graduation. The program will provide students with opportunities to develop and practice life skills through learning experiences.

Students will have the opportunity to:
   »» Realistically set and plan for personal goals
   »» Assess and consider their own abilities
   »» Determine how their personal characteristics affect their learning and decision-       making processes

The curriculum is structured into three interrelated core themes:
   »» personal and interpersonal challenges
   »» career explorations
   »» financial planning and consumer choices

Special Projects

Special Projects 10/20/30 3 or 5 credits
This program is designed to allow students to engage in the in-depth study of an area or field, which is not provided for in the school program but is of specific interest to the student. Students, in consultation with school administration and a cooperating teacher, design their own program of study. Students may enter this program at the beginning of each semester. An organizational meeting is held within the first two weeks of each term.

Work Experience

Work Experience 15, 25, 35 5 credits
Prerequisite: HCS3000
Have you as a student ever considered that a part time job or volunteer work might assist you in earning your high school diploma?  Work experience provides an opportunity for students to discover career interests and aptitudes in real work situations. The Work Experience program recognizes there are many rich educational learning opportunities for young people that exist outside the typical walls of a classroom environment, and seeks to connect young people to these learning situations.

Starting at the Grade 11 level, students can earn up to 30 credits in Work Experience and apply up to 15 of these credits towards their Grade 12 Diploma. 

Almost all high school students will work at some point during their high school career.  Why not explore these courses and make them part of your high school experience?


The Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP)
One does not need to look very far to see that skilled trades people are in high demand across Canada and certainly closer to home within the province of Alberta.
RAP is an Alberta Education initiative that allows and promotes high school students to begin their apprenticeship training while completing their high school course work. Full-time high school students in Alberta can begin the program as early as grade 10 and can earn up to 40 credits towards their high school diploma. Students interested in this area can select from more than 50 designated trades and occupations.

To participate in RAP means getting a head start in a career, learning valuable knowledge in a chosen trade and getting paid at the same time. At the completion of high school, RAP apprentices can apply for scholarships to assist them in completing their journeyman ticket. WCHS is pleased to provide this unique learning opportunity for students.